Glenelg (Mars)

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Glenelg as photographed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter . Curiosity's landing site is marked in blue and Glenelg is marked in red.

Glenelg is a soil formation on the planet Mars . It is located in the Gale crater approx. 400 m southeast of the landing site of the Curiosity space probe . The soil formation is a point where three different geological formations collide. There are layers of rock layered on top of each other. Glenelg is one of the first targets that the Mars robot should approach and examine.

The rover's drill is to be used for the first time in Glenelg. On the way to this point, for which up to six weeks are calculated, soil and rock samples are to be collected from the surface of the planet. According to plan, the journey from Glenelg is to be continued after a month. The desired goal should be a mountain about 5 km high.

Individual evidence

  1. NASA Curiosity Team Pinpoints Site for First Drive., accessed August 19, 2012 .
  2. Mars rover "Curiosity" - Glenelg on, accessed August 20, 2012. (German)