Gli amori di Teolinda

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Gli amori di Teolinda ("Teolindens Liebschaften") is a scenic cantata for soprano based on the libretto by Gaetano Rossi by Giacomo Meyerbeer .

Origin and performance

The cantata is a relatively late example of the pastoral genre popular in the 18th century .

Gli amori di Teolinda is an eight-movement cantata for soprano, solo clarinet, a "choir of the shepherds" (male choir) and orchestra, which Meyerbeer composed in Verona in 1816 for his friend, singer Helene Harlaß and her friend, the clarinet virtuoso Heinrich Joseph Baermann . The clarinet is to be seen here as a new shepherd's instrument, and embodies her lover in dialogue with Teolinda.

Harlaß and Baermann performed the monodrama on March 8, 1816, first in Verona and on November 9, 1817 for the first time in the Cuvilliés Theater in Munich .

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