Globulo Rosso

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Globulo Rosso ( German : "Rotes Blutkörperchen" ) is an award-winning comic strip created in 1967 and the first own creation of the Italian comic artist Massimo Fecchi .

Beginning and publication

In 1967 an Italian daily newspaper published a competition for the best new comic strip in conjunction with the Salone dei Comics in Lucca . The comic artist Massimo Fecchi submitted his first own creation, Globulo Rosso, as a competition entry and was able to win first prize together with other artists.
As a result, Globulo Rosso was published as a regular comic strip in a Roman daily newspaper , but was soon discontinued because the creator and draftsman Fecchi could not come to an agreement financially with the publisher.

Globulo Rosso is an anthropomorphic red blood cell that has adventures in the human body. A recurring theme on the comic strip was the rivalry between red and white blood cells .

The comic strip consisted of four to five panels and a final gag.


  • 1967: Winner at the Comicsalon in Lucca

Individual evidence

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