Mercy salary

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Mercy salary (Latin: Portĭo gratiālis ) was a salary that was paid without consideration. Krünitz Economic Encyclopedia of 1878 writes that it is “ a salary which a higher person grants a lower person out of grace, that is out of undeserved inclination, especially as far as it is earned but for further service, age or weakness due to inept people. "


Most officers were paid regularly even though they were no longer in the service of the military . It was also paid to the relatives of deceased civil servants and members of the military, but mostly without any legal entitlement. Grace salary is a historical forerunner of the pension .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Krünitz Encyclopedia: Grace content
  2. Pierer's Universal Lexikon (1857): Grace content
  3. ^ Meyers Konversationslexikon (1885-1892): Pension

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