Godesberg 08

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Godesberg 08
Full name Godesberger Football Association
08 eV
place Bonn - Bad Godesberg , North Rhine-Westphalia
Founded 1908
Dissolved 1992
Club colors Yellow blue
Stadion Sports field on Friesdorfer Straße (Old Godesberg Stadium)
Top league Association League Middle Rhine
successes no

Godesberg 08 (officially: Godesberger Fußballverein 08 eV ) was a sports club from the Bad Godesberg district of Bonn . The first soccer team played for 17 years in the highest amateur league on the Middle Rhine.


The club was founded in 1908 and initially played on the self-made soccer field on orchards on today's Dietrichstrasse. From 1912 the Godesbergers took part in the regular game operations of the West German Football Association . The sports field of the Godesberger FV 08 was called "Pionierplatz", probably because the pioneers who laid out the nearby Pionierweg in 1902 had their quarters and their material depot there.

In 1926, after a 3-1 playoff win over Germania Mülheim , the team was promoted to the first-class Rhine regional class for the first time . Three years later, the Godesberger missed the newly created regional league Rhine and had to return to the second division. After the war ended , the Godesbergers were among the founding members of the Rheinbezirksliga in 1947 (from 1950 Landesliga Mittelrhein), the highest amateur league. There the team was runner-up behind SG Düren 99 in 1950 .

Two years later, the 08er missed the final of the Middle Rhine Championship after a 3-0 defeat in the playoff against TuRa Bonn . In 1956 the Godesbergers were among the founding members of the Mittelrhein Association League , from which they had to relegate in 1959 after a 2-0 defeat in the play-off against Stolberger SV . The direct rise was missed as runner-up behind TuRa Hennef .

In 1974 the 08ers returned to the Mittelrhein Association after two consecutive promotions and four years later missed qualification for the newly created Oberliga Nordrhein . In 1979, the Godesbergers were relegated from the association league and were passed through to the district league in the following season. Godesberg 08 then disappeared in lower leagues before the club was dissolved in 1992. The Godesberger FV 06 founded in 2006 sees itself as the successor club.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Josef Schwalb: Wilhelminian-style trade on Friesdorfer Strasse (from 1890 to the First World War) . In: Godesberger Heimatblätter . tape 32 , 1994, pp. 75 .
  2. ^ German Sports Club for Soccer Statistics : Soccer in West Germany 1902 / 03–1932 / 33 . Berlin 2009, p. 122, 155 .
  3. ^ German Sports Club for Football Statistics: Football in West Germany 1945–1952 . Hövelhof 2011, p. 161, 248 .
  4. ^ German Sports Club for Soccer Statistics: Soccer in West Germany 1958–1963 . Hövelhof 2013, p. 41 .