Gold owl

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Gold owl
Sub-stem : Vertebrates (vertebrata)
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Owls (Strigiformes)
Family : Barn Owls (Tytonidae)
Genre : Barn Owls ( Tyto )
Type : Gold owl
Scientific name
Tyto aurantia
( Salvadori , 1881)

The golden owl or New Britain barn owl ( Tyto aurantia ) is a species from the genus of barn owls ( Tyto ). She lives in the island area of New Britain in the gorges of the mountain regions. Their wing length is between 220 and 330 millimeters. The red-brown and black bands that alternate on the wings of the hand are striking. The catches are relatively weak. The locals call this owl akakaula, akaka or a kaika because of its reputation .


  • John A. Burton (ed.): Owls of the world - development - physique - way of life. Neumann-Neudamm, Melsungen 1986, ISBN 3-7888-0495-5 .
  • Wolfgang Schneider, Siegfried Eck: Barn Owls. New Brehm library. Bd. 340. Westarp, Magdeburg 1977, Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg 1995, ISBN 3-89432-468-6 .

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