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Gomolava statuet

Gomolava is an archaeological excavation site near the Serbian village of Hrtkovci on the left bank of the Sava, south of the municipality of Ruma, Syrmia , Vojvodina province .

The stratifiable layers of the tell can be traced from the Middle Neolithic to the Middle Ages. Remains of a Copper Age and Bronze Age settlement are significant and are assigned to the Baden culture , the somewhat more recent Kostolac and Vučedol cultures . A Roman necropolis and medieval graves testify to the long continuity of settlement at the site.

supporting documents

  1. Vinca sceletons of studied in situ at Gomolava, Yugoslavija
  2. Споменици културе у Србији - Гомолава

Coordinates: 44 ° 53 '22.2 "  N , 19 ° 45' 4.6"  E