Gozan no Okuribi

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Gozan no Okuribi ( Japanese 五山送り火 , conduct fire of the Five Mountains ' ), also known under the name Daimonji ( 大文字 , Large Letters' ), is a traditional festival in the Japanese Kyoto .

It takes place on August 16 and is the highlight of the Obon Festival. When Gozan no Okuribi five large are beacons on certain mountains around lighted to Kyoto. According to tradition, during the Obon Festival, the spirits of deceased family members visit them on earth. The bonfires are supposed to guide these spirits back to their world. This is where the name Okuribi comes from ( 火 り 火 ‚escort fire ' ).


The origins of the festival are not known, but it is believed that they are very old. All the logistics related to the Gozan no Okuribi fires are carried out on the basis of a kind of inheritance obligation by certain families in voluntary work.


The bonfires are lit on August 16 of each year at 8:00 p.m. Each of the fires has a specific pattern. Three of the fires form large Chinese characters. Two fires are modeled on family symbols. The meaning in detail is:

  • Daimonji ( 大 文字 ‚upper case ' ):
    • on Daimonji-yama / Higashiyama, Nyoigatake from 8:00 p.m.
  • Myō / Hō ( 妙 ・ 法 'miraculous dharma ' (relating to Buddhist teaching)):
    • on Matsugasaki, Nishiyama / Higashiyama from 8:10 p.m.
  • Funagata ( 舟 形 'ship shape ' ):
    • on Nishigamo, Funayama from 8:15 pm
  • Hidari Daimonji ( 左 大 文字 ‚left upper case ' ):
    • on Daihoku-san, Hidaridaimonji-san from 8:15 p.m.
  • Toriigata ( 鳥 居 形 ' Torii shape' ):
    • on Toriimoto, Mandara-san from 8:20 pm

Each fire burns for 30 minutes.


The fires are best spotted from Nakagyō in the center of town. Some hotels offer special vantage points from which all five fires can be seen. Other lookout points are as follows:

area description
Daimonji Kamogawa riverside between the Marutamachi and Misono bridges
Myōhō Kitayama Street, near Notre Dame Elementary School or Takano Riverside, around the north side of Takano Bridge
Funagata Kitayama Street (heading northwest)
Hidari Daimonji Nishioji Street, between Shijo and Kinkakuji
Toriigata Around Matsuo Bridge or near Hirosawa Pond

Web links

Commons : Gozan no okuribi  - album with pictures, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Gozan-no-Okuribi (Part 1) .
  2. Kyoto Recommends . Kyoto City Tourism Association.