Grandmaster Association

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The Grandmaster Association (GMA) was founded before 1988 and had more than 100 of the strongest chess grandmasters as members, in protest against the then President Florencio Campomanes of the World Chess Federation (as the forerunner of the Professional Chess Association ).


On January 6th, 1988 the board was in Rotterdam and announced the dates for the first cycle of the Chess World Cup 1988/89 :

Brussels (March 31 to April 24), Bilbao (June 8 to July 1), Reykjavík (October 1 to 26), Barcelona (April 1 to 27, 1989), Rotterdam (April 1 to 27, 1989) June 1989) and Skellefteå (August 10 to September 4, 1989).

Kasparov announced in 1988 that the GMA has 122 members.

The GMA organized tournaments with a large number of players, for example in December 1988 a GMA Open with 100 grandmasters.

There was a trial of strength between the GMA and the world chess federation FIDE . A long article appeared in 1989 with the headline Kasparov: Not a dollar for FIDE , a photo of the very grim-looking Kasparov and the subtitle World Cup control should go to GMA .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jan C. Roosendaal: GMA meets in Rotterdam . Schach-Echo 1988, issue 2, pages 47 (report, dates for the first cycle of the World Chess Cup).
  2. Ian Rogers : GMA Open with 100 grandmasters - six tied at the tournament of the stars in Belgrade . Schach-Echo 1989, issue 1, pages 3 and 4 (report, table, games).
  3. Hans Peter Fecht: New test of strength between GMA and FIDE . Schach-Echo 1989, issue 10, p. 386.
  4. Schach-Echo 1989, pages 477 and 478.