Cross-border hiking trail

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Cross-border hiking trail on the summit of the Glatzer Schneeberg ( Czech Republic / Poland ), obsolete since joining the Schengen Agreement

A cross-border hiking trail is a special border crossing , which is used in particular for tourism in small border traffic. An identity card or customs control does not usually take place on cross-border hiking trails. Crossing the border is therefore only permitted for citizens of the neighboring countries or foreigners who are not required to have a visa in either country .

Cross-border hiking trails existed in Germany until December 2007 on the border with the Czech Republic until it joined the Schengen Agreement . Since then, the border - like any internal Schengen border - has been allowed to be crossed at any point in accordance with Article 20 of the Schengen Borders Code .


  • Ludger Pries: transnationalization. Theory and empiricism of cross-border socialization, 1st edition, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17512-6 , p. 58 ff.
  • Klaus Peter Arnold: Tourism in East Tyrol. Epubli GmbH, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-7375-2075-1 , p. 202 ff.