Grimaldi (moon crater)

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Grimaldi + Riccioli - LROC - WAC.JPG
Grimaldi and Riccioli ( LROC -WAC)
Grimaldi (moon equatorial region)
position 5.38 °  S , 68.36 °  W Coordinates: 5 ° 22 '48 "  S , 68 ° 21' 36"  W.
diameter 173 km
depth 1520 m
Card sheet 74 (PDF)
Named after Francesco Maria Grimaldi (1618–1663)
Named since 1935
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


The Mare Orientale on the western edge of the moon (Lunar Orbiter 4, 1967). Above to the right is the round, dark lava cover of Grimaldi, above to the left is a smaller lava lake in the Riccioli crater.

Grimaldi Crater is the darkest point on the front of the moon. It is located on the western edge of the moon near Oceanus Procellarum and is an old impact basin around 200 km in diameter and around 3 km in height. Its circular center is covered by very dark lava .

An outer wall with a diameter of 430 km has also been partially preserved. In terms of size, the basin represents the transition between the whale plain and the lunar sea .

The crater was named after the Italian astronomer Francesco Maria Grimaldi in 1935 . It forms an equilateral triangle with the Riccioli and Hevelius craters, which are almost equally large .

List of minor craters
Letter position diameter link
A. 5.42 °  S , 71.3 °  W 15 km [1]
B. 2.96 °  S , 69.3 °  W 22 km [2]
C. 2.66 °  S , 61.58 °  W 9 km [3]
D. 3.65 °  S , 65.6 °  W 21 km [4]
E. 3.67 °  S , 64.5 °  W 13 km [5]
F. 3.92 °  S , 62.8 °  W 29 km [6]
G 7.34 °  S , 64.98 °  W 12 km [7]
H 4.89 °  S , 71.51 °  W 9 km [8th]
J 2.96 °  S , 70.69 °  W 15 km [9]
L. 8.54 °  S , 66.78 °  W 18 km [10]
M. 8.01 °  S , 67.05 °  W 19 km [11]
N 7.56 °  S , 66.7 °  W 8 kilometers [12]
P 7.97 °  S , 68.36 °  W 8 kilometers [13]
Q 4.76 °  S , 64.87 °  W 25 km [14]
R. 8.55 °  S , 71.35 °  W 9 km [15]
S. 6.35 °  S , 64.86 °  W 11 km [16]
T 7.73 °  S , 70.98 °  W 11 km [17]
X 5.89 °  S , 72.4 °  W 8 kilometers [18]

Individual evidence

  1. ^ John E. Westfall: Atlas of the Lunar Terminator. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 2000, p. 275

Web links

Spektrum .de: amateur recordings [19]