Groove gangsters

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Chart positions
Explanation of the data
Funky beats
  DE 21st 11/10/1997 (14 weeks)
Rock da party
  AT 30th 03/14/1999 (1 week)

Groove Gangsters was the Austrian dance project of the DJ Klaus Biedermann, who celebrated first successes as a member of the Bingoboys , and the producer Stefan Berndorfer. With the single Funky Beats , the two musicians reached number 21 in the German single charts at the end of 1997 . In the spring of 1999, the title Rock da Party rose to position 30 on the Austrian charts .

Discography (singles)

  • 1997: Funky Beats (Mighty)
  • 1998: Make You Yeah (Mighty)
  • 1998: Rock da Party (Mighty)


  1. Groove Gangsters - Chart Discography Germany
  2. ^ Groove Gangsters - Chart Discography Austria

Web links