Real estate transfer tax (GDR)

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The real estate transfer tax (GrESt) was a tax in the German Democratic Republic that was incurred when purchasing a property . The tax rate was 7%.

The assessment basis was basically the value of the consideration (typically the purchase price), alternatively the unit value .

Inheritance and transfers between spouses and children were not subject to tax (as in West Germany). Acquisitions from state institutions and companies, VEB and socialist cooperatives were also exempt from the tax. The same applied to certain construction projects in the small housing sector, workers' housing construction and the like.


  • Sandra Duda: The tax law in the state budget system of the GDR. Diss., 2010, ISBN 9783631613054 , especially pp. 127-129.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. § 13 GrEStG / GDR
  2. Section 10 (1) GrEStG / GDR
  3. Section 10 (2) GrEStG / GDR