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The term Guibaili is a greeting in a kneeling position in Chinese martial arts.

This variant is carried out at the beginning and the end of the training. To do this, everyone kneels with their faces to the front wall of the room, which bears the school's coat of arms, the symbols of martial arts or a picture of the master. Then bow three times. Once before the higher ideals, once before the ancestors and once before the old masters.

The training should begin and end with the following greeting: The teacher stands in front, everyone is facing the front wall. At the command "Jingli" (greetings) everyone greets standing ( Qugongli ), then the guibaili is performed. At the command "Qili" (stand up) everyone gets up and bow again standing. Then the teacher turns to the group and qugongli are exchanged one last time.

This system is strongly influenced by Confucianism (Rujia), but is also common in the Taoist martial arts such as Taijiquan .
