Guillou Quisquater Protocol

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The Guillou-Quisquater-Protocol (abbreviation: GQ) is a protocol from the field of cryptography with which you can authenticate yourself to someone . The protocol was developed by Louis Guillou and Jean-Jacques Quisquater and is based on the problem of prime factorization .


Peggy wants to authenticate herself to Victor . A trustworthy third party provides you with a number that is the product of two large prime numbers. The two prime numbers are secret and only known to the third party itself.

Peggy chooses a number with a public certificate and gets a private certificate from the trusted third party assigned. Peggy wants to prove to Victor that she has the private certificate without Victor receiving the certificate.

The procedure uses the following parameters:

  • A number as a public key with
  • A number as a private key with

Protocol steps

  1. Peggy chooses a random number with
  2. Peggy calculates
  3. Peggy sends and to Victor
  4. Victor chooses a random number with
  5. Victor sends to Peggy
  6. Peggy charges a witness
  7. Peggy sends the witness to Victor
  8. Victor calculates and verifies whether the result is the same .
