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Gungthang (Tib .: gung thang 'midday level') stands for:

  • Tshel Gungthang (Tib .: tshal gung thang), seat of the Tshelpa rulers or governors of the ten thousand Tshel Gungthang
  • Mangyül Gungthang (Tib .: mang yul gung thang), Tibetan kingdom, which was established around 1265 in southwest Tibet
  • Gungthang (Amdo) , birthplace of the Gelugpa Lama Konchog Jigme Drönme (dkon-mchog ´jigs-med sgron-me)
  • Gungthang Rinpoche , title of a Trülku incarnation line of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism

See also: