Gustav Feddeler

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Gustav Feddeler (* in the 19th century in Esperke ; † 1920 ) was a German teacher, school rector, museum director and school and non-fiction author.


Gustav Feddeler was a native Esperker and in his free time did research in his hometown on local history, which was summarized in 1896 under the title Excerpts from the camp book of the parish in Niedern-Stöcken .

The public school on little field in the northern city was Feddeler until his death in 1920 before

He earned his living in Hanover as the main teacher of the community school Am Kleinen Felde , which he headed as rector until his death in 1920. His successor there was Wilhelm Wehrhahn .

The rector was chairman of the Hanoverian Provincial Teachers' Association and headed the Hanover School Museum. In addition to various articles on natural history methodology in the Hanover school newspaper , Feddeler edited the natural history part of the textbook Weltkunde for Lower Saxony. In addition, the personality, who is well-known among teachers from all over Germany, was involved in local and district associations.

Fonts (selection)

  • Excerpts from the camp book of the parish in Niedern-Stöcken , 1896
  • Historical and statistical notes on the primary school system in the capital and residence city of Hanover , in: Communications for the participants in the 18th assembly of the Provincial Association of Hanoverian primary school teachers , Hanover: Theodor Schraders Buchhandlung und Verlag, 1897, pp. 55-58
  • History of the teachers' association Hannover-Linden , 108 pages, Hannover: Schrader, 1898
  • Adolf Marten, August Renner, Gustav Feddeler, Heinrich Mastram, JF Hüttmann (edit.): Weltkunde: Guide to geography, history, natural history, physics and chemistry for middle schools and multi-class elementary schools , 402 partly illustrated pages, edition B, 16th edition , Hanover: Hellwingsche Verlagbuchhandlung, 1896; Digitized version of the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research , Braunschweig, 2014


  • Krull: Gustav Feddeler , in: Yearbook of the German Teachers 'Association , Vol. 47 (1921), Berlin: Self-published by the German Teachers' Association, pp. 65–69

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Dirk von Werder: Stöckendrebber / Esperke / Niedernstöcken / Als Stöckheim renounced the Pabstumb on the page of the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung from September 11, 2013, updated on September 14, 2013, last accessed on March 2, 2017
  2. a b o. V .: Wilhelm Wehrhahn † , in: Annual report of the Natural History Society of Hanover , Hanover, ISSN 0723-6794, p. V ff .; Preview over google books
  3. a b Aus der Heimat , Volume 33, Deutscher Lehrerverein für Naturkunde e. V., 1920, p. 110; Preview over google books
  4. ^ J. Klinkhardt: Die Deutsche Schule , Volume 19, 1915, p. 51; Preview over google books