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GUT DRAUF is a youth campaign by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) to promote a healthy lifestyle for girls and boys between the ages of 5 and 18.


The motto issued by the BZgA is:

"Promote the health of children and young people with GUT DRAUF."

GUT DRAUF aims to sustainably promote the health opportunities of all children and adolescents, to improve the conditions for a healthy lifestyle, to enable the integration of healthy behavior into everyday life and to reduce health risks in childhood and adolescence. Multipliers from the worlds of young people, who can influence their health behavior, are important partners of GUT DRAUF . These intermediaries are made fit for GUT DRAUF in their fields of action through information, training, advice and support during the practical implementation on site . GUT DRAUF fields of action are primary and secondary schools, youth work facilities, sports providers, professional qualification facilities, youth accommodation and youth travel providers.

Scientific and methodological foundations

EBS concept

The conceptual basis for the practical implementation in the youth campaign GUT DRAUF is provided by the EBS concept with its three pillars. A balanced E rnährung, sufficient B ewegung and a conscious use of S tress (EBS) can be an effective shield against lifestyle related diseases.

Health problems can hardly be traced back to a single influencing factor, but rather arise in a network of causalities. For example, stress can lead to malnutrition and overeating, lack of exercise and obesity. Depending on its extent, being overweight creates psychosocial stress and reluctance to move. In turn, frustration or extreme dieting create new stress.


The American medical sociologist Aaron Antonovsky developed the model of salutogenesis . By this he understood dynamic processes that lead to the creation and maintenance of health. Antonovsky saw a central task of the organism in coping with stress. Coping with it has a motivating, health-maintaining and even health-strengthening effect (“positive” stress or eustress).

Child and youth health

When assessing and evaluating the health situation of young people, GUT DRAUF u. a. to the child and adolescent health study KiGGS , according to which physical and psychological well-being as well as the generally perceived health-related quality of life decrease in adolescence.


Federal Center for Health Education: Concrete Health Promotion, Vol. 15 GUT DRAUF - Between Science and Practice, BZgA, Cologne 2011 ISBN 978-3-942816-07-6

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Start and introduction. Accessed June 5, 2013.
  2. ^ Basics of the campaign. Accessed on June 6, 2013.