Guzerat beef

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Guzerat (Guzerá), in Avaré

The Guzerat cattle is a Zebu cattle breed that was bred in Brazil , Kankrej cattle imported from India . The name is the Portuguese spelling of the Indian state of Gujarat . The guzerat is very similar to the kankrej: it is also very large and has long horns. Like the kankrej, the guzerat is bred both for meat production and as a draft animal. On average, guzerats are darker and larger than kankrej and have longer horns. Guzerats are among the main breeds used for breeding the American Brahman cattle , along with Kankrej , Girs, and Nelore cattle .

Like all Zebu cattle, the Guzerats also show decisive advantages for keeping in the tropics and semi-tropics: high heat tolerance and disease resistance.

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