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Hälge as a stuffed animal

Hälge is a Swedish cartoon character created by the illustrator Lars Mortimer . It is a thin-legged bull elk that is constantly on the run from the seemingly overwhelming hunters. Comic strips with Hälge are published in various Swedish daily newspapers and in a special magazine that bears Hälge's name and appears roughly every two months. The comic strips do not tell a coherent story, but rather short episodes that consist of a maximum of four strips. In German-speaking countries, the merchandising products that were created for comics are particularly well-known.

main characters

Hälge is almost always depressed as his life consists only of being hunted. Joy only comes to him when he can outsmart his adversaries. The fact that his antlers only have a meager six ends also contributes to his mood. So his big dream, membership in the "twelve-end club" will probably never come true. Halge's struggle for survival is accompanied by two owls, who always have a devastating comment ready, and by two ravens, who wait longingly to feed on Halge's carcass.

Halge's worst enemies are the hunters Edwin and Uffe . The first of the two is a real loser type who lacks courage or luck at the crucial moment. Uffe is a homemade macho, for whom sunglasses and camouflage clothing are standard equipment. Both live with their wives in the widely scattered settlement Avliden (German: deceased), which is somewhere in the Swedish wilderness.

The elk cow adored by Hälge bears the name Gullan (roughly: golden one). Although she permanently rejects Hälge in the comic strips when he suggests a love meeting, there are always elk calves that come from both of them.

More characters

  • Ellen - Edwin's patient wife, but who can also give razor-sharp comments.
  • Blixten - Edwin's dog who is usually easily tricked.
  • Ant Harry - an individualist who has a difficult life in the well-organized ant colony.
  • Kotten - a hedgehog who is afraid of cars and complains of sleeping problems in winter.
  • Rubbade Runar - a sucker of an elk who it is surprising that he is still alive.
  • Hunddråparn - a colossal elk bull that even Uffe fears.

Web links

Commons : Hälge  - collection of images, videos and audio files