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A Lonely Road.jpg
length 454 kmdep1
Type Circular hiking trail

The Höglandsleden is a Swedish hiking trail in the province of Småland . The hiking trail is a circular hiking trail that leads over 454 kilometers through the Småland highlands. Parts of the hiking trail belong to the European long-distance hiking trail E6 .

Between Vikskvarn and Asa (60 km) the trail is also called Sävsjöleden and between Asa and Ingatorp (142 km) the Njudungsleden . The trail is connected to the Sevedeleden in the east, the Anebyleden and the Östgötaleden in the northeast, the Vildmarksleden in the southeast , the Sigfridsleden in the southwest and the Gislavedsleden and the Järnbärarleden in the west at Hestra .

There are rest / tent sites with windbreak huts and fire places at sufficient intervals.

During the moose hunt , the trail should be walked with caution. It is expected that all hikers observe the Allemansrätt and generally treat the environment and nature carefully.

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