HFA 21

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IDW RS HFA 21, called HFA 21 , is a statement by the Institute of Auditors on the peculiarity of the accounting of donation- collecting organizations. The accounting standard was adopted on March 11, 2010 by the main technical committee of the Institute of Auditors.

An essential part of the HFA 21 is the application of the usage principle as opposed to the inflow principle . According to this, donation-collecting organizations only record donations as income-effective if they are used in accordance with the statutes . Correspondingly, when assets are acquired from donations, the liability item is only released to income when the depreciation is carried out or when the assets are disposed of. Another essential component is the preference of the cost of sales method over the total cost method .


The introduction of HFA 21 met with great criticism from donation-collecting organizations, the German Central Institute for Social Issues and numerous auditors. The difficulty of communicative mediation is criticized, why the donation receipt is not reflected in the balance sheet . Furthermore, it is criticized that unused parts of non- earmarked donations have to be identified, although all costs of the organization can be covered from this income. This would not correspond to the practice of cost center accounting by donation-collecting organizations, which is necessary for pragmatic reasons .


  • Kevin Kinne, Stefanie Üffing: Special features when using the IDW RS HFA 21 for donation-collecting organizations . GRIN Verlag, 2013.
  • Manfred Lehmann: Significant changes in donation accounting due to the new IDW standard RS HFA 21 . In: Der Betrieb from November 19, 2010, Volume 63, pp. 2513–2518.

Individual evidence

  1. Harald Schumacher and Daniel Fischer: New rules are causing problems for donation organizations In: wiwo.de , December 22, 2014.