Commercial geography

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The trade geography , also known as Geographical Handelsforschung called, is a discipline of economic geography that deals with spatial patterns of trade deals and the geographic relationships among traders.

Infrastructure , production facilities , distribution channels (distances, transport costs, duration of transport, intermediate storage, means of transport) and economic strength are relevant for the trade geography . In the recent past, the discipline has increasingly dealt with consumer behavior and the institutional framework of trade.

For millennia, trade routes (e.g. sea ​​routes ) have been of great importance to trade.

Customs borders are also important here, as the costs increase with every import of goods across a customs border. Therefore, agreements on trade relations have prevailed.


  • Günter Heinritz et al .: Geographical trade research . Study books of geography, Borntraeger, Stuttgart, 2003. ISBN 3-443-07137-6
  • Karl Zehden : Commercial geography based on the latest research and statistical results . 15th edition. Hölder, Vienna 1922 (first edition: 1871).