Trade logistics

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Retail logistics describes the management process of the entire goods - and related information flows between a retail company and its suppliers , within the retail company and between a retail company and its customers.

The aim of the trade logistics is an availability of goods at the POS ( point of sale = point of sale ) taking into account the costs caused thereby and in avoiding the bad buys at the POS.

The current trends in retail, e.g. digitization, the increasing importance of e-commerce and increasingly individual customer requirements lead to far-reaching changes and adjustments in terms of structures and processes in retail logistics under the aspect of competitiveness. [1]


  • C. Auffermann, V. Lange: Technology Screening for Retail Logistics. Recognize perspectives - increase efficiency. HUSS-VERLAG, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-94-6350-16-3 .
  • C. Tripp: Distribution and retail logistics - networks and strategies for omnichannel distribution in retail. Springer Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden 2019, ISBN 978-3-658-24117-9