Commercial headquarters of German department stores

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The Handelszentrale Deutscher Kaufhäuser eGmbH (registered cooperative with limited liability, HADEKA), based initially in Berlin and Chemnitz, most recently in Frankfurt am Main, was a leading German textile purchasing association founded in 1886 by several large German clothing and textile trading companies, including Michael-Philipp Sucker .

At its weddings, HADEKA bought centrally for over 1,700 specialist textile shops. HADEKA was based in Berlin until 1945, and in 1955 it moved into a new building in Frankfurt am Main , the so-called "Hadeka House". Not least through mergers with other purchasing associations, HADEKA grew into a major purchasing association in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In 1968 the “Bayritex” in Munich and the “Awege” in Hamburg were added. In 1971 HADEKA had 1,025 members with a total of 1.55 billion DM in annual sales. In 1980 HADEKA was present at 1,555 locations with 900 members and 168 interns.

In addition, it offered the affiliated houses a full service for advertising, product range advice in company comparisons and help with shop fitting issues. At times, HADEKA was one of the largest textile purchasing associations in Europe and existed until the 1990s. Follow-up bankruptcy proceedings were opened on December 31, 1994. The last member of the board was Walter Oberhorner, who had been with the company since the 1960s.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Helmut Faust: History of the cooperative movement. Origin and path of the cooperatives in the German-speaking area. F. Knapp, 1965, p. 260.
  2. ^ Bruno Tietz: Consumers and Retailers. Structural changes in the Federal Republic of Germany from 1960 to 1985. Lorch 1973, ISBN 3-87150061-5 , p. 1262.