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Handwanus ( Latin Handwanus , Andwanus , Russian Хандван ) was a legendary prince of Duna in Hellespont , probably in the 8th century.

Historical representation

Handwanus is only mentioned in the Gesta Danorum of the Saxo Grammaticus . She tells how the Danish King Hadding (Hadingus) besieged King Handwanus of Hellespont in Duna Castle.

To get inside the castle, he sent birds with fire that set the houses inside the castle walls on fire. The residents capitulated and opened the gates. Handwanus was captured and had to buy himself out with gold.

At a later time Frodi, son of Hadding, again besieged the castle. He succeeded again by a trick to conquer it. Handwanus gave him his daughter to wife to make peace.


  • F. Braun: The historical Russia in the Nordic literature of the X. - XIV. Centuries. Festschrift Eugen Mogk, Max Niemeyer, Halle a. P. 1924, p. 157 ff.
  • Откуда есть пошла Русская земля. Vol. 1 ( Века VI-X ), Moscow 1986, p. 632 f.

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Individual evidence

  1. Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum I.6.
  2. ^ Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum , II.1.