Hani (unit)

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The hani , also hany , was a unit of volume for grain and fruit in Mangalore in the British Madras presidency . A distinction was made between the larger size Mjudi / Mudi / Moreh / Moray according to bazaar and leaseholder size, so that the Hani also had different values.

Tenant measure
Bazaar measure
  • 1 Mjudi / Mudi / Moreh / Moray = 2313 Parisian cubic inches = 45.88 liters (1 Hani ≈ 1.09 liters)


  • Johann Christian Noback, Friedrich Eduard Noback: Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, government papers, bills of exchange and banking and the customs of all countries and trading venues. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 642.