Hanno Prettner

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Hanno Prettner (born July 8, 1951 in Klagenfurt ) is an Austrian model aircraft athlete . In his career, Hanno Prettner has won 330 competitions.

From 1971 to 1993 he was seven-time world champion in the F3A competition class (then known as RC-1 ) of radio-controlled aerobatic motor models. He also won the Tournament of Champions in Las Vegas , the unofficial professional world championship in motor aerobatics, eight times between 1974 and 1988 . Due to an illness he could no longer take part in competitions from 1995 onwards.

He had a friendship with the Brazilian Formula 1 racing driver Ayrton Senna , who was also enthusiastic about model flying and who visited him in Carinthia to do model flying together.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. life data
  2. ^ Tournament of Champions: Past Champions , private webpage about the TOC Las Vegas