Hans-Ulrich Helfer

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Hans-Ulrich Helfer (born April 21, 1951 ) is a Swiss politician and company founder. He is the managing director of the management consultancy Presdok AG in Zurich .

Helfer is a trained businessman, was a state security officer from 1976 to 1983 and from 1995 to 2000 the Zurich municipal council (FDP). He is involved in Transparency Switzerland (forum against corruption). His specialist areas are business documentation, hazard analyzes, risk studies and country analyzes. He is also a member of various bodies to combat crime.

Publications (selection)

  • Organized environmental crime. Zurich, Presdok-AG (1993)
  • Manipulated Confederates. Zurich, Presdok-AG (1991)
  • Who is behind "Switzerland without an Army" Zurich, Campaign for Free Opinion Formation (1988)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rest room and logistics country Switzerland: Combating the financing of terrorism

Web links