Hans Koller (economist)

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Hans Koller is a German economist.


From 1979 to 1986 he studied business administration at the University of Munich , specializing in industrial management ( Edmund Heinen ), systems research ( Friedrich Hanssman ), private law ( Michael Lehmann ). From 1986 to 1988 he had a third-party funded project at Siemens AG , main department “Organization and Automation” of the communication technology division in cooperation with Arnold Picot . From 1989 to 1998 he was a research assistant with Ralf Reichwald at the chair for general and industrial business administration at the Technical University of Munich . After graduation1993 Dr. oec. with a dissertation on the standardization of communication Topic: The integration of word processing and data processing from a business point of view - A theoretical and empirical analysis of demand and its determinants, he represented the professorship for general business administration, in particular industrial management and technology management at the Helmut Schmidt University . Since 2000 he has been teaching as a professor for business administration, in particular technology and innovation management (formerly industrial management and technology management).

Fonts (selection)

  • The integration of word processing and data processing - analysis of demand and its determinants from a business perspective . Wiesbaden 1994, ISBN 3-8244-6117-X .
  • as editor with Wolfgang Kersten and Hermann Lödding : Industry 4.0. How intelligent networking and cognitive systems are changing our work . Berlin 2014, ISBN 3-95545-083-X .

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