Hartmut Kiehling

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Hartmut Kiehling (2009)

Hartmut Kiehling (born May 9, 1953 in Lüdenscheid ) is a German economist and social scientist.

life and career

After childhood, youth and high school graduation in Munich , Kiehling completed a degree in business administration and received his doctorate in 1980. rer. pole. at the Ludwig Maximilians University there. He has three grown children.

After the advanced career examination of the Deutsche Bundesbank , he worked there in various policy departments before he took over the management of financial analysis at what was then Bayerische Vereinsbank in 1987 and of the capital investments division of Swiss Life Germany in 1991 . Freelance consultant and journalist since 1994, Kiehling works increasingly scientifically. He is the founder of the psychological counseling and training network "Psimentum" and partner of the DTB Dr. Thomé Börseninformationsdienste GmbH, Bad Tölz.

Scientific activity

Hartmut Kiehling initially devoted himself to questions of capital market theory and monetary policy. Very soon the dynamics and stability of economic and social systems came to the fore and with them mathematical, economic-historical and psychological aspects. In the last few years, Kiehling has also increasingly been concerned with aspects of intercultural communication and organizational psychology. He was and is a lecturer at several universities - u. a. from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Professor of Finance at the German University in Cairo and visiting professor at the University of Cologne. His oeuvre includes several textbooks and monographs, over 150 scientific and specialist articles and dozens of lectures. Kiehling is a regular interview guest in print and radio media on current and historical economic and psychological issues.



  • The beginning of acceleration: German economy and society in the early and high Middle Ages , Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2011
  • Economic and social history compact , Oldenbourg, Munich 2009.
  • Arabia Knigge, Oldenbourg , Munich 2009.
  • Stock market psychology and behavioral finance , Vahlen, Munich 2001.
  • Stock exchange philosophies , Vahlen, Munich 2000.
  • Finanzplatz Europa , dtv, Munich 1992.
  • Price falls on the stock market , dtv, Munich 2nd edition 2000.

Articles in refereed journals (selection)

  • The Monetary Policy of the Reichsbank in the Great Inflation - Credit Creation and its Determinants 1914 to 1923 , in: Bankhistorisches Archiv 2/2009, pp. 95–201.
  • How Efficient were German Stock Markets in 1836-1848? Economic History Yearbook 2006/1, pp. 111-141.
  • The loss of function of the German financial markets in World War I and inflation 1914-1923 , Yearbook for Economic History 1998/1, pp. 11–58.
  • The economic situation of the German retail trade in the years 1920 to 1923 , Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte 41 (1996), pp. 1–27.
  • Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics and its Application to Historical Financial Markets , Historical Social Research 21 (1996), pp. 3-47.
  • The German stock exchange from 1920 to 1923 , Bankhistorisches Archiv 2/1995, pp. 67–106.

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