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The Hattians - also Protohattians - belong to the ancient Asiatic peoples and already lived in Anatolia when the Hittites settled in the eastern part of Central Anatolia . Their self-designation is unknown, they were later named after the Ḫatti region (while the Hittites called their language Nesian , nešili , after the city of Kaneš ).

The Hittite capital Ḫattuša was founded by the Hattier. The Hittites later took power, but the local population was not expelled and retained their language. The Hattic went in the 15th century BC. BC and only lived on as a ritual language of the Hittites.

The Hittite influence on the Hittite culture was immense, which is testified among other things. a. the Hittic name Wurušemu for the most important goddess of Hittite mythology , the sun goddess of Arinna , or the meaning of the originally Hittite god Telipinu (Hitt. Talipinu ) in the Hittite cult.


At the beginning of written tradition from the Hittite Empire, the Hittic language , which is genetically isolated, was probably already extinct, but Hittic sayings were still recited in the sacred area for centuries, even if hardly understood. Some substratum words have also survived in the Hittite language .

See also


  • Richard Hauschild: The Indo-European Peoples and Languages ​​of Asia Minor. Berlin 1964.
  • Ekrem Akurgal : The Hattian and Hittite Civilizations. Ankara 2001, ISBN 975-17-2756-1 .
  • Birgit Brandau, Hartmut Schickert: Hittites - The Unknown World Power. 2nd Edition. Munich 2002, p. 15ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Harald Haarmann: Lexicon of the fallen peoples. Munich 2005, p. 123.