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The Hauksbók (Old Icelandic bók 'book') is a manuscript written in Old Icelandic , which is most likely named after its author Haukr Erlendsson (died 1334). Today it is kept under the signature AM 544 4to in the Arnamagnäan collection in Copenhagen.

The manuscript contains versions of some important old Icelandic texts and sagas , such as the Landnámabók , the Fóstbrœðra saga , the Eiríks saga rauða , the Hervarar saga and the Völuspá .

It also contains a chapter on mathematics , called algorism , which, among other things, deals with basic arithmetic. It is the oldest mathematical treatise in a Scandinavian language . It also contains cosmographic information taken from either the De Imagine mundi of Honorius Augustodunensis or the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville .

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