Main Defense Forces

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The main defense forces (HVK) in the Bundeswehr were associations that were to be used primarily for national and alliance defense. These associations could not be called up and deployed until after six months at the earliest , in peace, without mobilization . The equipment was less extensive than that of the Crisis Reaction Forces (KRK), and soldiers were trained in national and alliance defense.

The HVK associations have their origins in the 1990s from the New Army structure for new tasks . Extended warning times and a preparation time of up to six months determined the operational readiness, growth ability and level of training of the units. In order to maintain the cohesion of the army, the HVK and KRK units were "meshed". For example, units of the main defense forces were led by large units of the crisis reaction forces and vice versa. A disadvantage of this structure, however, almost always required the reorganization of the associations for an operation.

With the structure of the Bundeswehr in 2010, the HVK and KRK associations were dissolved and are divided into intervention forces , stabilization forces and support forces .

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