Marcus Dornblüth

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Marcus Dornblüth around 1710
Street in Dresden named after Mayor Dornblüth

Marcus Dornblüth (born May 22, 1642 in Großenhain ; † September 2, 1715 in Dresden ) was a Dresden mayor.

Dornblüth was born as the son of a Grossenhainer merchant and city ​​judge . After attending the Kreuzschule in Dresden and the Princely School in Pforta , he studied law . After working as a private tutor in Dresden and a lawyer in Leipzig , he moved to Dresden in 1676. In 1677 Dornblüth became councilor through the instigation of his patron of the Privy Council, Gotthelf Friedrich von Schönberg . Elector Johann Georg II gave him the office of tax procurator of the Meißnischen and Erzgebirgskreis . In 1689 Dornblüth was given the office of city judge and inspector of the Kreuzschule by the Dresden city council. In 1697 Dornblüth was elected mayor of Dresden. In the same year he was also appointed to the electoral council, with Elector August the Strong he was in high favor. He was appointed mayor eight times and held it until his death.

Striesen has been a part of Dresden since 1893, and a street is named after Dornblüth.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lars Kühl: Eight times mayor . In: Saxon newspaper . 5th September 2015.