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With Havel bottom , an old square measure in Hamburg , an area has been designated, a length of 280 feet had (Hamburger) and a width of 20 feet (hamburger).

Hamburg once had around 900 Havelboden wooden harbor areas. This was the storage area for wood in so-called wooden harbors and formed shallow pools rammed into the ground with piles. The wood was brought in during the flood and lay aground when the water was low.


  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1879, p. 331
  • Anton Wach: Non-profit building advisor for all work and material calculations in the building sector. Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1863, p. 357.

Individual evidence

  1. G. Erbkam: Ministry of Public Works, magazine for construction. Volume 19, Verlag Ernst and Korn, Berlin 1868, p. 388.