Hay Pauncefote Treaty

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The Hay Pauncefote Treaty for the Construction and Management of the Panama Canal was signed by the United States and Great Britain on November 18, 1901 . The contract was negotiated on February 8, 1900, but initially rejected by the US Senate and replaced by a new one.

The contract, which was negotiated by the US Secretary of State, John Hay , and the British Ambassador to the US, Lord Pauncefote , contained the renunciation of all rights regarding the construction and management of the planned canal, so that responsibility for this was entirely on the United Kingdom USA passed; thus the regulations of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850, which had assumed an internationalization of the canal, were declared null and void.

On the one hand, the Hay Pauncefote Treaty had a positive effect on British-American relations; on the other hand, it made it easier for the USA to take the political initiative in Panama , where, at their instigation, a secession movement against Colombia began there, leading to independence Panama led by Colombia in 1903, which then granted the United States the establishment of the Panama Canal Zone .