Heautontimoroumenos , Greek Ἑαυτὸν τιμωρούμενος , literally the self-avenger as someone who punishes himself (from Greek τιμωρέω , avenge , help , punish ); also self-tormentor or self-executioner is the title of a play by Menander from the 4th century BC that has not survived . And a poem by Charles Baudelaire from the Flowers of Evil (1857 to 1868).
The Heautontimorumenos of the Roman comedy poet Terenz , who lived in 163 BC, is preserved. Was first performed. This is regarded as an adaptation of the Greek model and as the origin of the winged word : " Homo sum, humani nil me alienum puto (v. 77)." (" I am human, nothing human is alien to me. ")
Issues and comments
- Publius Terentius Afer (Terenz): Heautontimorumenos. Text. Aschendorff, Münster 1974, 1983 ISBN 3402021161
- Karl Lietzmann: Comment. ibid. 1975 ISBN 340202117X
Web links
- ↑ in German often in 2 words: Heauton Timorumenos