Pike summer

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Hechtsommer is a novel by the German author Jutta Richter , which she published in 2004 . The focus is on the girl Anna, who experienced this summer, at the end of which the lives of her and her friends, the brothers Daniel and Lukas, changed irrevocably.


While the summer is getting warmer and warmer and Daniel and Lukas are trying to catch the pike, Anna slowly realizes that something is changing. Gisela, the mother of her friends, has cancer. Nobody tells the girl from whose perspective the novel is written what illness it is. She only notices that the adults, especially Anna's mother, Daniel and Lukas, behave differently. Daniel and Lukas also feel the change.


Jutta Richter links the portrayal of the endlessly drifting, fateful summer with the personal needs of the children, who do not know what to think of adults and who develop their own methods of confronting the looming fate in order not to perish.

This connection leads to a lightness and sadness that lets you relive the emotional world of children.

