Hed û Sed

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Hed û Sed means something like "law and order" or "rules and limits" and are the basic principles of the Yazidis . These commandments are mandatory for all Yazidis. An essential feature is the endogamy law , which says that one can only be born as a Yazidis if both biological parents were born as Yazidis and belong to the same caste. There is no other way to become a Yazidis. A marriage that does not correspond to "Hed û Sed" leads to exclusion from the community.

Hed û Sed in Qewls

The term "Hed û Sed" is an integral part of the Yazidis and can also be found in their sacred texts called " Qewl ", for example in:

  • Qewlê Zebûnî Meksûr:
Padşê min xoş kir sihbete My lord spoke pleasantly
Padşa û kase û disapproved The Lord and the Cup and Love
Ewan çêkiribû Hed û Sede They had created rules and limits
Lêk rûniştin disapproved There love had its place
Hed û Sed çêkir My Lord set rules and boundaries
Heqîqet û şerî'et jêk cîhe kir He separated Sharia and Truth
Sunetxane mixfî bû, dahir kir The tradition had been hidden, he revealed it
  • Qewlê Padşay:
Padşê min dinîya şê kir My Lord created the world
Bi Hed û Sed, rêk û pêk kir He created law and order
Bênî Adem têde xinê kir He made Adam
  • Qewlê Dayik û Baba:
Firwarek has ji e'zmana An order came from heaven
Rê û risim, û Hed û Sed bo me danane He showed us the way and created law and order for us
Êk ji wan wesîyeta dayik û babane One of them is the legacy of mother and father

Rules and duties

The following rules and duties apply to all Yazidis:

  1. Each person has a specific place in the social hierarchy.
  2. Loyalty is obligatory towards the members of one's own group and the religious leaders ( Sheikh , Pir , Murid ).
  3. The royal family has dominant power. Your relationship with the other caste groups is regulated.
  4. The role and position of a member of the community and the limits of mobility are set.
  5. One can become a member of the Yazidi community through birth alone. Both parents must be Yazidis from the same caste.
  6. It is not possible to change from the group of Sheiks, Pirs or Murids to another caste group. Marriage outside the caste group is also not possible.
  7. The duties and tasks within the groups, e.g. B. those of the Sheikh or Pir are well defined.
  8. Every Yazidi in the community must have a sheikh and a pir.
  9. Within their own group, the members of the community should show solidarity with one another.

Individual evidence

  1. Sefik Tagay , Serhat Ortac: The Eziden and the Ezidentum - history and present of a religion threatened with extinction . State Center for Political Education, Hamburg 2016, p. 47, ISBN 978-3-946246-03-9
  2. a b Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Khalil Jindy Rashow, Khalīl Jindī: God and Sheikh Adi are Perfect: Sacred Poems and Religious Narratives from the Yezidi Tradition . Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005, ISBN 978-3-447-05300-6 ( google.de [accessed on April 26, 2019]).
  3. Теймураз Авдоев: T'ÊMÛRÊ MESO NEWŞE DÎNÊ ÊZÎDIYAN ЕЗИДСКАЯ РЕЛИГИОЗНАЯ ПОЭЗИЯ THE YEZIDI RELIGIOUS POETRY . S. 14 ( academia.edu [accessed April 26, 2019]).
  4. Теймураз Авдоев: T'ÊMÛRÊ MESO NEWŞE DÎNÊ ÊZÎDIYAN ЕЗИДСКАЯ РЕЛИГИОЗНАЯ ПОЭЗИЯ THE YEZIDI RELIGIOUS POETRY . S. 189 ( academia.edu [accessed April 26, 2019]).
  5. Nadia Bousrouf, Ralf Frassek: Between Frankfurt, Marrakech and Kabul . Books on Demand, 2016, ISBN 978-3-7412-5701-8 ( google.de [accessed April 26, 2019]).