Holy Spirit Alley

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Holy Spirit Alley

The Holy Spirit Alley , in Polish Ulica Świętego Ducha , is a historic street in downtown Gdansk .

It is located in the former right town and runs in an east-west direction from the Holzmarkt to the Heilig-Geist-Tor .


City map Danzig from 1885, Heilige-Geist-Strasse north of the Marienkirche as the second parallel street (in the middle of the plan)

The earliest mention of it is from 1336 as platea sancti spiriti , named after the Heilig-Geist-Hospital. This was moved to Tobias-Gasse in 1357.

In the following centuries, the houses of merchants and wealthy citizens, a royal chapel and an Anglican chapel were located in Heilig-Geist-Gasse. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and his mother Johanna were born there.

In 1945 the houses were badly damaged and then partially rebuilt on one side of the street.


Reconstructed houses

Most of the reconstructed houses are based on Mannerist and late Baroque models, some of them from Classicist and Renaissance buildings. The current house numbers are given.

  • Hotel Wolne Miasto , No. 2, newly built in 2006, at the same address also the coastal theater ( Teatr Zabrzeże ) on the coal market around the corner
  • House No. 19, where Paul Beneke lived in the 15th century
  • House No. 27, formerly the house of the Carthusians in Gdansk
  • Royal Chapel
  • Schopenhauerhaus No. 47 (formerly No. 114), birthplace of Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Seglerhaus No. 109 (formerly No. 82), formerly the house of the boatmen's guild with an inn
  • Turtle House No. 111, birthplace of Johanna Schopenhauer, now library with cultural events
  • Heilig-Geist-Tor , residential building on the Motlau

Other former buildings

(with former house numbers)

  • House No. 57, the Chodowiecki family, parents of Daniel Chodowiecki lived there
  • Anglican Chapel No. 82, English Colony Church and Rectory

Web links

Commons : Heilige-Geist-Straße  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Heiligggeist-Gasse Danzig.at