Heiligenbluter Agreement

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The Heiligenblut Agreement is a political agreement that was made at a meeting on June 28, 1974 in Heiligenblut am Großglockner between the then Finance Minister Hannes Androsch as a representative of the federal government, as well as representatives of the federal states and municipalities. It is used to jointly define the transparency provisions of these bodies for their budgets by designing the form and structure of the estimates and financial statements of the parties involved in a mutually agreed manner. The agreement is remarkable in that it effectively deprived the Austrian finance minister of the possibility of enforcing uniform accounting, although he could, according to the Financial Constitutional Act 1948, in agreement with the audit office . However, the agreement is not legally binding and is an example of the real Austrian constitution .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. derstandard.at - "How to make federal states and municipal finances transparent"
  2. diepresse.com - "The mess with the real constitution"