Home and Empire

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Heimat und Reich (full title Heimat und Reich. Monthly journals for Westphalian folkism ) was the central organ of the Westphalian Heimatbund during the time of National Socialism .

The magazine appeared between 1934 and 1943 in a total of nine years. In the literature it is a classic example of a conformist publication organ. Editor-in-chief (today " editor-in-chief ") was Josef Bergenthal , who later became regional director of the Reich Chamber of Literature . The publisher was the NSDAP state governor Karl-Friedrich Kolbow .

Literary scholars such as Renate von Heydebrand consider the magazine to be the "most abundant source for official literary policy concerning Westphalia" at the time.


  1. ^ Westphalian literature in the "Third Reich", the journal Heimat und Reich, a documentation; Edited and edited by Walter Gödden; Publications of the literature commission for Westphalia Volume 51; Series of texts volume 22; 2012, ISBN 978-3-89528-962-0
  2. http://www.aisthesis.de/titel/9783895289620.htm , last accessed on August 4, 2014 19:13