Helene Serfecz

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Helene Serfecz b. Wrießnegger (born April 16, 1886 in Klagenfurt , † September 13, 1943 in Graz ) was an Austrian social democratic resistance fighter and a victim of the Nazi regime.


Helene Wrießnegger comes from a social democratic family in Klagenfurt. She had been a member of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) since 1919 and worked on its women's committee. After the February fighting in 1934, she supported the activities of the " Red Aid ". After connecting the country to Nazi Germany, she was with her son Josef in the "Red Trade Union" in the context of Lorenz Poketz active. In August 1942 she was arrested by the Gestapo and sentenced to death in a trial on June 30, 1943. On September 30, 1943, she was executed in the Graz Regional Court .


  • Maria Caesar / Heimo Halbrainer (eds.): You can see those in the dark. Women in resistance - persecution of women in Styria , Clio - historical and socio-political writings, Volume 6, ISBN 978-3-902542-01-4
  • Center for political beauty (ed.): To posterity. Latest news and testimonials from Nazi victims against forgetting , p. 108, 2019 Berlin, ISBN 978-3-00-064453-5


  • She is remembered on the plaque in the execution room of the Graz Regional Court.
  • On April 14, 2001, the previous Heinrich-Lersch-Platz in the Eggenberg district - named after the Nazi poet Heinrich Lersch - was renamed Helene-Serfecz-Platz by resolution of the Graz municipal council .

Individual evidence

  1. http://alltag.mur.at/lexikon/serfecz-helene
  2. https://www.kpoe-graz.at/helene-serfecz-platz-in-graz.phtml