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According to Tacitus ' " Germania ", Hellusier and Oxionen were mixed peoples of humans and animals who lived far north of the then known world, beyond the Finns .

The rest is already shrouded in legend: That the Hellusians and Oxionen have faces and expressions of people, and bodies and limbs of animals: I will leave that undecided as unexplored. (Tacitus, Germania 46)

The idea of ​​the existence of such beings on the edge of the known world persisted into the Middle Ages. Modern interpretations assume that the beings described are probably seals and sea ​​lions in the North Sea , which at least in the head area show a certain resemblance to humans.

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Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Hoops: Reallexikon der Germanic antiquity . Walter de Gruyter, 1999, ISBN 978-3-11-016423-7 ( google.de [accessed on July 24, 2018]).