Helmut Hinghofer-Szalkay

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Helmut Hinghofer-Szalkay (born January 22, 1948 in Graz ) is an Austrian physiologist and university professor emeritus in Graz and director of the Institute for Physiology at the Karl-Franzens University (from 2000) and the Medical University of Graz (2005-2013) , Founder and director of a nonprofit research institute (Institute for Adaptive and Space Physiology, 1994–2010) and scientific consultant for the European Space Agency ESA. He is married to the artist Irma Michaela Szalkay and has two children.


Hinghofer-Szalkay studied medicine at the Karl-Franzens-University from 1966 and received his doctorate in 1974. med. univ. After his habilitation in 1982 he became a European Space Agency Research Fellow at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California (1984–85). In 1988 he received the professional title of tit. ao. University professor and was appointed university professor according to §21 UOG 93 in 1999.

Hinghofer-Szalkay's academic functions included the organization of the 3rd European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space 1987 and the Space Life Sciences Symposium in Vienna in 1992. He was also principal investigator of the Austromir experiment Bodyfluids 1991 and the follow-up experiment in the context of the Russian-Austrian Space flight program (world record 14-month mission, space station MIR) 1994. In 1999 he chaired the 4th International Head-Out Water Immersion Symposium and in 2005 headed the 15th IAA Humans in Space Symposium of the International Astronautical Academy (IAA) in Graz. His other functions included the scientific management of the Academy for the Diet Service of Styria 1993–2000, the chairmanship of the Scientific Society of Doctors in Styria 2008–2010, the management of the Franz Lanyar Foundation 2002–2010, the editor of the Scientific Society of the Doctors in Styria 1979-2007. He was secretary of the Austrian Physiological Society 1979–1983 and 1997–2012.


  • Maximum prices Graz 1978, 1980, 1986
  • European Space Agency Fellow 1984/1985
  • NASA Space Act Tech Brief Award - ARC-11686 (1986)
  • Research Award of the State of Styria 1993
  • Member, Council of Trustees, International Society for Gravitational Physiology 1998
  • Order of Yuri Gagarin 1999

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