Help (file format)

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Help is a file format for help pages in programs under Apple's macOS operating system . Like other macOS packages, it is based on a folder system and is therefore divided into several individual files.

The help file is usually located in the Resources folder of an .app file and is based on several HTML , CSS and JavaScript files. The help page of an app is therefore based entirely on web technologies with the exception that the HTML files are not opened in a browser, but in a Cocoa - GUI window. The window is not opened in the current program, but in a global system-wide "help program". However, this is executed as a hidden process and is therefore neither equipped with its own menu, nor can it be closed using the "ALT-CMD-ESC" shortcut. For example, if you have a help file for a program open and another one is opened, no new window is opened, but the content of the first is replaced. Just like an .app or .framework file under OS X, there is first a Contents folder and then a Resources folder. The HTML files are then located here.

There is a separate folder for each language that OS X is familiar with. Its name consists of the abbreviation for the language such as “de” for German or “en” for English. The folder has the file extension "lproj".

The only global HTML file is responsible for the loading screen and is located together with the associated CSS and Javascript files in the system-wide folder /Library/Documentation/Resources/Eagle/. In the resources folder of the HELP file there is only an alias for the file just named.


So that the control of the Cocoa GUI of the global help program works for the various help topics, these are navigation.jsonnoted in the file, among other things . Here search terms are assigned to topics.

Help page

The actual files are located in the language-related folder. In addition to the help main file (a version without its own stylesheet , which provides the main help file, and a version with its own stylesheet) there is an "InfoPlist.string", "navigation.json", "search.json" "," search.helpindex "," locale-info.json "and a" searchTree.json "file. The redirect file has its own style sheet and is there if the help in Safari is opened via the "Share" button in the help window and there is no internet connection. The HTML is not stored there directly, but is first loaded into the DOM via JavaScript . The actual main file is a name-specific HTML file with the program in the title. For example for the calculator: "calc34870.html".

The Main Page file is rendered in the WebKit rendering engine and otherwise has no special features that except a javascript method exists to open the corresponding program, which the help file is associated with a Cocoa - GUI may Button a Navigation panel on the left can be opened or closed.


Help files can basically be integrated in any program, but are mainly found in Mac OS X internal or Apple programs.

Web links