Henning Rethmeier

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Henning Rethmeier in his studio

Henning Rethmeier (* 1953 in Uetersen ) is a German artist. 1977–1983 he studied painting with Harald Duwe at the Fachhochschule für Gestaltung in Kiel.

Henning Rethmeier works both figuratively and abstractly. He mainly uses painting and collage techniques. As part of his exploration of the basic theme of "color", Rethmeier explores other topics in various picture series and large-format works such as: B. in the "Mantischen Serie" (2010), "Bildwelten" (2010), "Crash" (2011), "Planets" (2013). Henning Rethmeier lives and works in Schleswig-Holstein and Madrid.


  • Lingen Art Prize for Painting (1984)
  • Prize winner "The essence of beauty", Shiseido, Düsseldorf (1990)

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • Torhaus Gallery, Panker (1983)
  • Art Association Lingen (1984)
  • Galerie Melnikow, Heidelberg (1986)
  • State Culture Weeks, Eutin (1988)
  • Kunstverein Nordwest, Helsingborg (1988)
  • Art Association Rastede (1989)
  • Art stairs, Hamburg (1989)
  • Bethlehem Church, Hamburg (1990)
  • Rayuela Gallery, Madrid (1992)
  • Kreathek, Mannheim (1993)
  • Evangelical Academy, Bad Segeberg (1995)
  • Academia Artaud, San Juan, Tenerife (1996)
  • Landesbank Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (1996)
  • Evangelical Academy, Hamburg (1998)
  • Rayuela Gallery, Madrid (1999)
  • North Sea Academy, Niebüll (2002)
  • Gallery Noran, Lübeck (2005)
  • AOK regional association, Berlin (2009)
  • National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds, Berlin (2010)

Group exhibitions (selection)

  • "Kunstsalon 84", House of Art, Munich (1984)
  • Great Düsseldorf Art Exhibition (1984)
  • "Art Landscape Schleswig-Holstein" (1985)
  • Graz, Austria (1985)
  • Stavanger Art Association, Norway (1986)
  • "Art 86", House of Art, Munich (1986)
  • "Sleswig-Holsten-Art", Copenhagen (1987)
  • "Villa Massimo applications", Berlin (1987)
  • "3 Duwe Students", Apex Gallery, Göttingen (1988)
  • "Head", Galerie Moderne, Bad Zwischenhahn (1988)
  • "Forum Nord", Kunsthaus Hamburg (1989)
  • "Encounters 1990", Kunsthalle Rostock (1990)
  • "The essence of beauty", Castle of the District President, Düsseldorf (1990)
  • Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo (1991)

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