Henri Anatole de Beaulieu

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The army on the Loire, Musée barrois

Henri Anatole de Beaulieu (* 1819 in Paris ; † 1884 ) was a French painter (orientalist).

He is considered one of the most important students of Eugène Delacroix and made his debut at the Salon de Paris in 1844 with a scene from the Inquisition. Later he painted pictures from Italy and the Orient. His works are very lively in their presentation, some of which are characterized by melancholy poetry.


  • The surprise
  • The serenade
  • The ticket
  • The battle in the old battery
  • The ostrich egg
  • Memory of a military rally
  • The army on the Loire
  • Well in a looted house, 1874
  • allegory
  • Guerrier combattant un serpent, 1858
  • Orientale dans le patio, 1880


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