Heo Jun (medic)

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Portrait of the medic in his later years

Heo Jun ( Korean : 허준 ) (* 1539 in Gayangdong, today Gangseo-gu ( 강서구 ), Seoul , South Korea ; † October 9, 1615 ibid) was an important physician and personal physician to the king during the time of the Joseon Dynasty ( 조선 왕조 ) (1392-1910) in Korea .


Heo Jun, also known by the name Cheongwon ( 淸 源 ) and his writer's name Gu'am ( 龜 岩 ), was moved to the home of a distinguished family in 1539 in Gayangdong , which is now part of Gangseo-gu ( 강서구 ) in Seoul born who was doing military service. He was the 20th descendant of Heo Sunmoon ( 許宣文 ), who founded the Yangcheon Heo Klan ( 陽 川 許 氏 ). He was the son of Heo Ron ( 허론 ) and a kunkubine, which brought him disadvantages in the family. As a result, he was unable to pursue a career in military service. Instead, he had to begin medical training.

At the age of 33 he got a job in Naeuiwon ( 내의원 ), the hospital at the court of King Seonjo ( 선조 ) (1552-1608), at 37 he became the king's personal physician and as the king's son, crown prince and later King Gwanghaegun ( 광해군 ) (1575–1641), who contracted smallpox in 1590 , showed Heo Jun no fear like other doctors at court and healed the Crown Prince's smallpox disease. King Seonjo thanked him with a post in the government that was ranked third in its hierarchy.

After Japanese troops under the leadership of General Toyotomi Hideyoshi ( 豊 臣 秀吉 ) invaded Joseon in 1592 and the royal court had to flee, Heo Jun earned further deep respect from King Seonjo. He then commissioned him in 1596 with the creation of a medical work, which should go down in history in 1613 with the publication as Donguibogam ( 동의보감 , 東 醫 寶 鑑 ). Also in 1596 Heo Jun got another post in the government for his outstanding achievements, which meant the second rank in the hierarchy.

When the chief medical officer at court, Yang Yesu ( 楊禮 壽 ) died in 1600 , Heo Jun was given this position. But when King Seonjo died in 1608 at the age of 56, Heo Jun was held responsible for his death and sent into exile in Uiju ( 의주 ). King Gwanghaegun, whom Heo Jun had cured of smallpox at the time and who owed him his life, held his protective hand over him and prevented him from being executed. In exile he continued to write Donguibogam and a few other books until King Gwanghaegu released him from exile. He completed the work and was able to train budding physicians at the Naeuiwon until his death.

Heo Jun described Korean medicine as a form of Eastern Medicine in the Donguibogam work. He noted that the form of medicine that has not yet been used has shaped traditional medicine in Korea and must therefore be understood independently of traditional Chinese medicine. He also based his understanding of medicine on Taoist teaching.

Heo Jun Museum

In honor of Heo Jun, the Heo Jun Museum ( 허준 물관 ) was opened in Seoul , which deals with the life story of the doctor and describes the importance of his works for Korea.


  • 1605 - The Naeui Sunsaen An, 內 醫 先生 案 - List of royal mediciners
  • 1607 - Unhae Taesan Jipyo, 諺 解 胎 産 集 要 - Collection of basics about obstetrics with Korean translation
  • 1608 - Unhae Gugeupbang, 諺 解救 急 方 - Emergency procedures with Korean translation
  • 1608 - Unhae Duchang Jipyo, 諺 解 痘 瘡 集 要 - Collection of basics on smallpox with Korean translation
  • 1610 - Dongui Bogam, 東 醫 寶 鑑 - An esteemed reflection of Eastern medicine
  • 1612 - Chando Banglon Magkyul Jipseong, 纂 圖 方 論 脈 訣 集成 - Collection of instructions, doctrines, pulse measurements, etc.
  • 1613 - Shinchan Byukonbang, 新 纂 辟 瘟 方 - Newly compiled instructions to ward off epidemics
  • 1613 - Byukyeok Shinbang, 辟 疫 神 方 - Instructions for predictions to prevent epidemics
  • 16 ?? - Napyak Jeungchi Bang, 臘 藥 症 治 方 - Year-end medicine
  • 16 ?? - Yukdae Uihak Sungshi, 歷代 醫學 姓氏 - names of mediciners in history


  • Bong-Keun Song, Jin-Hee Won, Sungchul Kim : Historical Medical Value of Donguibogam . In: Journal of Pharmacopuncture . Vol. 19 , No. 1 . Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute , March 2016, p. 16–20 , doi : 10.3831 / KPI.2016.19.002 (English).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d What is the Donguibogam? . In: korea.net . Korean Culture and Information Service , April 29, 2014, accessed November 10, 2018 .
  2. a b c d Jiyeon Son : Heo Jun: brilliant physician in 16th century Korea . In: Hectoen International . Hectoen Institute of Medicine , 2014, accessed November 10, 2018 .
  3. ^ Song, Won, Kim : Historical Medical Value of Donguibogam . In: Journal of Pharmacopuncture . 2016.
  4. Homepage . 허준 물관 Heo Jun Museum , accessed November 10, 2018 (Korean).